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Council side steps mayor

News : 09 Feb 2012 238 Viewed By Jasper Raats 0

LEPHALALE - No-one can accuse the Mayor of Lephalale, Johanna Mojela of being fickle. Mojela stood in front of a packed council chamber at a recent council meeting and refused yet again to sign newly appointed Municipal Manager, Bob Naidoo’s letter of appointment.
Mojela, who is by law required to sign the letter of appointment on behalf of the council refuses to do so in objection to a move by council last year to strip her from her delegated executive powers.
The Executive Committee recommended that an Exco member sign the appointment letter and Council accepted this resolution. Clr. Danie Erasmus was given the honours and Naidoo should be in office soon.
The Mayor’s refusal to sign the contract has prompted the council to submit a motion to suspend her. The motion is currently under review with the MEC.







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