Rubrieke / Columns

2018: The Year for Education par Excellence

2018 is going to be the year where we should see an important change in our education systen, writes Lectorsa's Minda Marshall. 

Rubrieke / Columns: 07 February 2018 By Minda Marshall 0

Separation of Church and State?​

Rubrieke / Columns: 29 November 2016 By Chris van Zyl

It is not uncommon to hear government officials publicly refer to their religion. People respond differently when, for example, the Mayor points learners to the sovereignty of God with reference to their studies for matric examinations.​

Dan groet ons nou

Rubrieke / Columns: 25 November 2016 By Melt van der Spuy

Ons drie professionele pensioenarisse sit nou die ander dag heerlik op my stoep en teug aan ’n kasteeltjie, toe Servaas na Herman se kant kyk sê: “Gaan jy hom sê, of moet ek dit doen?”​

Human Rights and Human Duties

Rubrieke / Columns: 04 November 2016 By Chris van Zyl

‘Human rights’ is increasingly becoming a convenient buzzword. But are human rights the solution to our woes or is there more to it?​

Freedom of religion

This year the South African Constitution celebrates its 20th year since promulgation by the late President Nelson Mandela. Much will and have been written elsewhere about the brilliance and the shortcomings of the Constitution, writes Chris van Zyl.

Rubrieke / Columns: 17 January 2017 By Chris van Zyl 0

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Eksamen skryf is harde bene kou

Rubrieke / Columns: 28 October 2016 By Martie Le Grange

“As ek nog een keer moet hoor ek moet hard leer want dit is vir my eie beswil, gaan ek skree,” ... só het ek telkemale gevoel, veral in matriek. Dié cliché raak afgesaag maar tog hoor skoolkinders dit tot vervelens toe. Kinders moet tog besef dat sy of haar prestasie op akademiese vlak gaan bepaal waar hy of sy hulself eendag gaan bevind. 

Dis laag buk vir langeraat!

Rubrieke / Columns: 14 October 2016 By Melt van der Spuy

Dis nou maar een maal so – by ’n kamp­plek gebeur daar altyd iets snaaks. Iets soos iemand wat val en almal lag daaroor. Die arme man breek byna sy nek toe hy die aarde met ’n donderende slag tref en dan is dit nog sommer ’n paar keer bol­lemakiesie slaan ook. En ons lag.


The Constitution and your municipality

Rubrieke / Columns: 21 September 2016 By Chris van Zyl

By granting municipalities much more power and responsibilities than was the case before 1994 with the former “local authorities”, the Constitution has done much to bring local government closer to the people of South Africa.​

Red tape protects you when applying for a personal loan

Rubrieke / Columns: 14 September 2016 By Press Release

Most people need a little financial help from time to time, whether it is to meet a school or university’s registration deadline, repair a car or even do some urgent home renovation.​


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Start: 13 Sep
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Start: 20 Sep  (09:30 AM)
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Where: Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Start: 21 Sep  (09:00 AM)
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Start: 24 Sep
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