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Rape statistics at all time high in in Mokopane

Col Lucas Mogwa-neng delivering his speech.
News : 04 Jul 2013 1609 Viewed 0

The incidence of rape in Mokopane is at its highest in 10 years, said acting district commander, Col Lucas Mogwaneng, at the launch of an anti-rape campaign in extension 19 last Friday.
The community was educated and informed about the seriousness of rape in Mokopane due to seven cases of rape and a dumped a baby foetus which were reported to the SAPS in the past week.
The message was that no woman or man must tolerate rape and abuse.  “No Means No - Down with Rape” those were the outcries from the community when Col Mogwaneng got them fired up.
He told the community that rape is a very serious issue.
Raesibe Seloana a forensic nurse at Voortrekker Hospital, told attendees that if a woman or man finds themselves in a crises, the first thing to do is either call the police or an ambulance or go to the nearest hospital or police station to get checked. “Those first few hours are most crucial,” she said.
She said the hospital is there to compile a rape kit and give the necessary psychological evaluation and support.






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