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LEPHALALE – Services for 2 000 residential units will be installed at the new Joe Slovo Integrated Human Settlement on the old farm, Altoostyd at Lephalale.
During a joint meeting between the Lephalale municipality, Coghsta and the Housing Development Agency (HDA), the agency’s Lucien Rakgwale said due to the high demand for residential land, contractors will be required to stick to the six-month time frame for the installation of the first services.
He says he believes the land is big enough to address human settlement
challenges in Lephalale but that his department is not happy with the current expansion rate of informal settlements as people flock to Lephalale in search of jobs.
He believes the only way for his department to address the socioeconomic ills this brings, is to provide adequate housing.
This will be accomplished through a second project-phase to provide rental housing for people who come to Lephalale to look for employment.
A total budget of R217-million was approved for 2015-2020 financial years for services and housing construction on the project.
Three contractors have already been appointed: two material suppliers and a professional team. They are already working on the project.
Rakgwale said a significant amount of work will go to local contractors and
labourers at a later stage.