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No march, no Julius...

News : 10 Nov 2011 368 Viewed By Jasper Raats 0

This morning sources told us that ANC councillor Jack Maeko went to Witpoort after his meeting with Limpopo Premier, Casel Mathale. He left this meeting yesterday adamant the protest would go ahead as planned.But sources say while he was riling up crowds in Witpoort as part of the night vigil in anticipation of today's action, Mathale arrived there at around 22:30 last night. He reportedly made it clear that the ANC would distance itself from Maeko and the protest if it goes ahead as planned and that Mathale would be arrested and offered no party protection.
It was past midnight when Maeko arrived in Marapong where sources say a crowd of more than 4000 were getting ready for today's action. Maeko told them the planned protest was cancelled.
The crowd was angry and allegedly took Dan Maseko, one of the co-organisers of the protest action hostage and insisted that the protest goes ahead as planned. Northern News sources say Maseko tried to diffuse the situation before the crowd grabbed him. He apparently told them there would be a meeting between the mayor and Eskom on the 17th of this month.
Between 2:30 and 3:00 this morning the crowd started to disperse. All protest action planned for today was called off – even the legal peaceful march to the Eskom Information Centre in town.






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