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Tackling teenage issues

School : 25 Sep 2014 522 Viewed By NoordNuus reporter 0

Teenage pregnancy and drug abuse is a problem at many high schools, including DG Tsebe High School in Mahwelereng and educators decided to call in some back-up to assist and educate learners.
DG Tsebe’s educators called in social workers, police officers and professional nurses last Tuesday to educate the learners.
In a presentation, the task team focused on the issue of teenage pregnancy and educated the teachers about the new method of prevention – an implant which is effective for three years. They also explained to learners how substance abuse can impact on their brains and diminish their intellectual ability. With regards to weapons they tried to make learners see that carrying a weapon to school does not only put the lives of other students in danger, but it is also a criminal offence.
The learners responded positively to the event and the teachers  hope that the message will have a positive impact on the them.






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