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Cold water tactics

Sport : 05 Jun 2014 132 Viewed By Christie Thomas 0

Just because the weather and the water is getting colder by the day, it does not mean that we have to pack up our fishing gear for the winter. There is still a lot of fun to be had out on the cold water.
Largemouth bass can be very temperamental when it comes to water temperature and tend to sulk when it gets too cold.  Smallmouth bass are more tolerant to colder water and will be a lot more active than largemouth bass when the water temperature drops. 
So, if you find that the largemouth bass in your regular fishing spots are not playing the game, why not take a little road trip to Ebenezer Dam close to Haenertsburg, where you can find both largemouth and smallmouth bass, and see if you cannot coax a couple of smallies to join the game?

Read the Water
Temperature and water clarity are of vital importance during the winter.  Bass will be more active in areas where the water is warmer. Keep your eye on the temperature gauge and look for areas most likely to hold warmer water.
Calm water absorbs heat faster
Stained water absorbs and retains heat longer
The eastern shoreline will receive sunlight for the longer period of the day
Rocks absorb heat better than sand
Dark soil will absorb more heat than light soil
Still, off-coloured water will be the warmest in a dam with predominantly clear water

Jigs – My number one choice for fishing when the water is cold.  A large and chunky trailer will slow down the fall rate of a skirted jig, a very desirable action for lethargic bass.  Fish SLOWLY and methodically in and around structure and/or heavy cover on the sunny bank. 
If you are fishing riprap or a very rocky bank, pick a lighter jig that can easily be ‘popped’ out between the rocks before getting stuck.  I like to fish with a shaky head jig, a finesse jig like a Booyah Baby Boo jig, or a hair (bucktail) jig

Crankbaits – If you ever look for me on the water during the winter, chances are you will find me fishing along a sunny bank covered in rock or riprap, cranking the shallow water.  This is my favourite time to crank a medium-diving Bomber Flat A.  During the winter you want to fish with a crankbait with a tighter wiggle and more subtle presentation.  The Flat A can be fished at any depth and any speed of your choice.
Drop Shot – This is the best presentation to use when bass are suspended off the bottom, as bass mostly do during the winter.  When the water is cold bass often sit close to the bottom, and when they do it is best to keep your leader length short and allow the bait to ‘sit’ for long periods between your retrieve.  Take your time when ‘working’ the bait through or around cover.  Sometimes all you need is just a flick of the tail. 
Choose a bait that will give you optimum tail action  - look for a bait with a slightly thicker body and tapered tail  - which will vibrate or flick with the slightest movement of your  rod tip.






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