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Horse rider dreams come true

Sport : 28 Jun 2014 49 Viewed By NoordNuus reporter 0

Audrey Marais and her horse, Comet, from Audrey’s Riding School will be taking part in the 201km Fauresmith International Endurance Ride.
Alongside her, several riders from Mokopane including Yolande van der Klashorst, Mariska van der Klashorst, Ralien de Beer and Leonora Burden, have also qualified for the ride. “Thank you to the sponsors, family and friends for their support,” says Audrey, “you made my dreams come true”.
The first endurance ride was organised in 1964 by Landbou Weekblad to settle the issue of which horse breed has the best endurance ability.  The Arabian breed emerged as the victor. The next ride was held in 1973 in Fauresmith with 17 riders, today entry members range from 250-300.
The ride is considered one of the toughest in the world – due to the long distances riders have to cover in only three days with freezing temperatures to battle at night (riders have been known to get up hourly to check on their horses on cold nights).
Source: www.erasa.co.za






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